SE Linux...the one enabled or disabled...still gets them all that they want at the mead-ow :)
The beginnings of the SE Linux program were "probably" buried somewhere in the backyards of the Super Secure Linux program...i'm not complaining about my download being cancelled half way through...somewhere in the long arduous journey post return from the US...i remember trying to find my park city apartment complex on google earth at IITB...losing control of the keyboard and mouse...and a "drift" into the evanston area with a small tag saying "old place" that was years ago...i always end up paying for someone else's mischief...anyways...lets not deviate from the topic...i was never about to intentionally invite the clan into my life...however they did say "Wtf..." on another tag on the screen :) there is a huge difference between what people see and what they know...the first two pages of my file are and will always be missing...there was never going to be a minority report...the idiots go around creating copies of us only to ...